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Strategy Needs Movement

Many of us spend so much time talking through a strategy for our careers. We over think the process, then we talk to our co-workers, friends, and on LinkedIn about it. Based on what everyone has said, we make changes and adjust the plan to cover everything that was said. Then, as if by clock work, we get side tracked, caught up in the routine of our lives and never get to taking the strategy from a plan into action. About a month or so later, your thinking about it starts all over again. You don’t pick up where you left off, instead you start all over again. Sound familiar?
My suggestion to break this cycle is to get moving. Once you’ve decided on where you want to go- promotion, projects that give more exposure, changing your career, changing companies, moving to a new city, whatever it is you need to move. Whatever comes to mind to do 1st, move on that. As you’re moving on the 1st step, then create your plan for the next step.

Here’s an example, let’s start with a promotion. 1st find out if there is a slot available. Often people are looking to be promoted, but they haven’t taken into account the big picture to know if there is space for a promotion. Don’t confuse people getting an increase in their salary to being promoted, they are not the same thing. Now, if what you actually want is more money, then the 1st step should be connecting.

Networking for the sake of it, is no longer a thing. What you want to do, if you haven’t already, is to connect with people. Connect with not just the manager but connect with the people who have been leading teams on some of the last high profile projects. Connect with the people in your department who have skills stronger than yours in certain areas. Your salary increase will not always come from your direct work, but through the work done with others.

This was just a quick example, but do you see how just taking these 1st steps will give you movement and also help determine your next steps. If you’ve been doing all of this for a while, then you might need to take a week in the office to watch and listen. You may not have been connecting with the right people in the right way if you haven’t gotten an increase already; strategy.

It all boils down to being strategic, but not in a way that isn’t genuine to who you are and how you want to present in the workplace. See what I mean?

Well, think about it. Have a Wonderful rest of the week. Next week will be even better.

**Leave a comment and let me know if this was helpful to you.


  • X22whowl
    Posted August 5, 2024 at 8:26 am

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

    • Post Author
      Nichelle Rae
      Posted August 7, 2024 at 2:58 am

      Good Luck to you as well!

  • X22whowl
    Posted August 15, 2024 at 8:28 am

    Hey people!!!!!
    Good mood and good luck to everyone!!!!!

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